The Journey
Your Write Stuff Challenge for 2025 is to write an imaginative 300-word story entitled, The Journey.
The word ‘journey’ conjures up ideas of travel, which may be exciting, eventful, adventurous, disastrous, even life changing. It may suggest a metaphorical journey such as a transition, a life-changing experience leading to growth; it may be a journey through time and space or it could be inspired by your own journey through life.
The title lends itself to a myriad of interpretations and genres: adventure, fantasy, historical, science fiction, a fictional memoir … the possibilities are endless.
Focus on using vivid description as you create your characters, and close detail in the setting to bring your ideas to life.
Craft your story so that it is vivid and original; the judges will be looking for creativity, clarity, style and accuracy of language which will transport them with you on your journey.
We wish you bon voyage as you embark on this year’s challenge!!
What we are looking for
- Originality and imagination — we are looking for students to produce an original piece of writing that focuses on story and plot.
- Creativity, clarity, style and accuracy of language which will transport the reader with you on your journey.
- The ability to create a story or episode which is vivid, original and memorable to impress the judges.
First Prize
Plus the 2025 trophy, a certificate, a signed book, an original illustration, a pair of Aurigny flights, Island Families membership and your story published on the website.
Primary / Intermediate / Senior
Second Prize
Plus a certificate, a signed book, an original illustration and your story published on the website.
Primary / Intermediate / Senior
Third Prize
Plus a certificate, a signed book, an original illustration and your story published on the website.
Primary / Intermediate / Senior
Additional Learning Needs
Plus the 2025 trophy, a certificate, a signed book, an original illustration, a pair of Aurigny flights, Island Families membership and your story published on the website.
Primary / Secondary
Highly Commended Prizes
£10 book tokens
Plus a certificate and your story published on the website.
Up to 5 prizes in primary, intermediate and senior. Up to 2 prizes in the Additional Learning Needs category
The Categories
Years 3/4/5/6
Years 7/8/9
Years 10+
Additional Learning Needs (ALN)
Primary & Secondary
Filter Judges
Filter judges this year include Julia Bichard and Adam Bayfield from the Guille Allès Library, retired English teachers Maz Campbell and Sue Williams-Smith and Suzie Almond, a creative education specialist with experience of first round judging for the BBC 500 Words and Settle Stories competitions.
The Illustrator
The illustrations for the competition have been designed by Lynda Adlington who has also been commissioned to produce bespoke illustrations of the winning stories.